Stretching Tips for Athletes

From beginner to professional athletes, injury prevention is one of the most important aspects of training and it all begins with proper stretching. To help maintain your physical health throughout the season and prevent injury, use these stretching tips for athletes from local Times Square chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein.

1. Lunge stretch. Lunge your right leg in front of you, bending your knee over your right foot while stepping back with your left foot. For a deeper stretch, Dr. Barry Goldstein suggests dropping your back knee to the ground. Repeat this stretch on both sides.

2. Downward dog stretch. Kneel on the ground with your hands in front of you. Place your hands on the ground and slowly start to raise you buttocks to the sky while straightening your legs at the same time. Keep your head lowered in between your shoulders to align and stretch your spine. Also, keep your heels on or as close to the ground as possible for a deep calve stretch.

3. Tricep stretch. Place one arm overtop your head, bending at the elbow. Grab your elbow with your opposite hand and slightly pull your elbow toward your head. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

4. Hamstring stretch. Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you. Draw your right foot in as far as you can, resting it along the inside of your left leg. Lean and grasp your left foot with both hands. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on opposite side. Local Midtown West chiropractor, Dr. Barry, suggests repeating this stretching exercise at least twice before beginning physical activity.