Tips For Staying Healthy While Sitting at a Desk All Day

For many of us, sitting at a desk on the computer for hours on end is a daily norm. However, you could be hindering your health and you don’t even know it. Start improving your lifestyle at work and use these tips for staying healthy while sitting at a desk all day from our local Times Square chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein.

1. Correct your posture. Bad posture is a commonality among desk workers. When completing work on the computer, pay attention to the alignment of your head, neck and spine. If you find yourself getting drawn into a project and craning your neck closer to the screen, New York City chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein, suggests retracting your chin to realign your spine.

2. Take a break and stand. Make it a point to stand up and move around several times during your work day. Standing and moving throughout the day will increase your energy, decrease your appetite, enhance circulation and improve overall health.

3. Pace yourself throughout your work day. Research has proven that employees are less distracted and more productive when given short breaks to do something other than the work at hand. Stay refreshed and burnout-free by making time for mental breaks throughout the day.

4. Make a chiropractor appointment. Through spinal manipulation and adjustments, chiropractors work to relief back and neck pain in their patients. In his Midtown West chiropractic office, Dr. Barry works with his patients to create an individualized treatment plan that focuses on healing and aligning the body.