Post Holiday Detox with Dr. Barry

It’s a new year and local Times Square chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein, wants your 2016 to be a year filled with health and happiness. Whether the holidays knocked you off track or you are in need of a reboot for the New Year, Dr. Barry has created a 21-day detox program that will help you […]

Exercises to Manage Chronic Neck Pain

Midtown West Chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein, receives patients everyday complaining about neck pain. Aside from receiving regular adjustments, Dr. Goldstein suggests that patients use neck exercises to manage chronic neck pain. A typical neck exercise program will consist of a combination of stretching exercises, aerobic training, and identifying trigger points. Here are some tips from […]

Tips for Protecting Your Lower Back

The human body is an amazingly resilient and flexible creation that can withstand a considerable amount of stresses and trauma. Spinal anatomy in itself is a marvel of human nature, it holds our bodies up while we bend, twist, and lift heavy objects. Dr. Barry, a Times Square chiropractor, knows that many people take the […]

Can a Chiropractor Help with Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatica nerve runs from your lower back and down each of your legs to your toes. It is responsible for sending signals from your brain to your legs by telling them when and how to move. One of the most common complaints that Dr. Barry Goldstein, a chiropractor in New York City, receives on […]

The Benefits of Going to a Chiropractor for Lower Back Pain

There are many misconceptions about New York City chiropractic practices and their training. However, many people do not realize that chiropractic programs are incorporated in an entire year of PhD-level advanced nutrition training. Millions of people have experienced the numerous benefits of seeing a chiropractor in New York City for lower back pain. A study […]