How to Get Your Blood Flowing at Your Office Desk

Summer is just around the corner and your wrist watch is telling you to stand and get a couple minutes of exercise, but you’ve got too many assignments to complete. Instead of stressing over whether you should get up and walk around or grab the nearest donut, let Midtown West chiropractor, Dr. Barry Goldstein, give you a few pointers on getting some relief and how to get your blood flowing at your office desk.

1. The Seated Leg Raiser: This inconspicuous exercise can be your little secret under your office desk. Midtown West chiropractors instruct to lift one leg up at a time and hold for 10-15 seconds. Or, if you are feeling really pumped, lift both legs together and hold. Tighten your core for a bonus ab work out.

2. The Cubicle Dip: If you are looking to tone up those arms before summer time rolls around, try holding onto the edge of your desk, dipping yourself a few steps away from the desk and pulling yourself back up a few times. Midtown West chiropractors like Dr. Barry say that this is the very best way to work out your triceps and get your blood flowing at your office desk.

3. The Curl: To complete the toning of your arms, try grabbing the stapler or a full water bottle and pulling it toward your chest. You can do this by keeping your elbow on the desk and pulling it closer, or try starting at your thigh and pull toward your chest for 12-15 reps.

4. The Shoulder Shrug: Feeling tension in your shoulders and/or neck? Try raising your shoulders up toward your ears and hold for a 5-10 seconds. If you are looking for something a little more advanced, grab two reams of printing paper in each hand and shrug.